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The Greenwood Way

This is how we do it here ......

At Greenwood School we are determined to give students the best possible chance to attain their potential. We are fully committed to ensuring all students leaving Greenwood School are positive contributors to society and their communities.

What to Expect from your teachers in Class


Meet and Greet / Find & Fetch

Register & Starter

Student Points Evaluation

Ending the lesson on time

End and Send

We Recognise Student Achievement


Contact with Home

(Text, Phone Call, Email, Postcards)

Positive Points

Reward Trips

The Greenwood Way – Our Expectations


Be Ready  -  Be Respectful  -  Be Safe

Our Classroom Steps


1 – Greenwood Way reminder

2 – Warning outlining undesirable behaviour

3 – Individual conversation

4 – Parental Contact on the day

5 – Case discussed at debrief and further steps decided.

Phrases you will hear from Adults


I’ve noticed…

I need you to…

I know you will…

Thank you for…

You have chosen to…

Do you remember last week when…

It was the expectation about… that you…

That is not very Greenwood…


Thank you at the end of any instruction.

Picking up the Tab Restorative Process


Suggested questions

What happened?

What were you thinking at the time?

Who was affected?

How did that make them feel?

What should we do to put things right?

How could we behave so that this doesn’t happen again?


Keyworker Check-in / Break / Lunch

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