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Greenwood School remote education provision: information for parents/ carers


This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to students and parents/ carers about what to expect from remote education where national or local restrictions require the school to be fully or partially closed.


The remote curriculum: What is taught to students at home?


When students are accessing their learning from home, the school will provide a curriculum that matches as closely as possible to the one that is taught in school. Greenwood School aims to be as flexible as possible to ensure that the learning students undertake when taking part in remote education matches their individual learning needs. Whether this is through being able to access online lessons, or more traditional paper based text book learning.


How will my child be taught remotely?


Remote education at Greenwood School will use a range of tools including, but not limited to: ï‚·


  • recorded teaching (e.g. Oak National Academy)


  • printed paper packs produced by teachers (e.g. workbooks, worksheets)


  • textbooks and reading books


  • Websites supporting the teaching of specific subjects or areas, including video clips or sequences e.g. BBC Bitesize and Youtube


  • Practical tasks such as baking kits and art packs sent home


  • Where appropriate a live online learning provision (Academy 21) can be offered


Students will receive a similar amount of learning hours per day to what they receive on the school site.


Engagement and feedback


Students are expected to be fully engaged with their learning, following their teachers’ instructions, completing all tasks set to the best of their ability, responding to feedback and assessments given by their teachers.


There are a range of ways that students will get feedback from their teachers. This will include feedback in the form of emails and annotated, marked digital work when submitted. Students may also receive feedback via 1:1 sessions on Microsoft Teams, using their school accounts. Printed materials will be marked in a timely manner and feedback given to the students. 


Parents and carers will be contacted on a daily basis by the student’s assigned keyworker who will check on the student’s wellbeing and engagement in their learning. Engagement on SAM Learning will be monitored on a daily basis.


When an individual student is self-isolating


If a student is self-isolating, then in the first instance the students’ key worker will be in contact to check on the well-being of the student self-isolating and to ensure that the student is able to access their school email account and Microsoft Teams. Individual teachers will then be in contact to explain what work the student will need to be completing whilst in self-isolation.


If my child does not have digital or online access at home, how will you support them to access remote education?


Greenwood School will do all they can to support its students to be able to access online learning through: ï‚·


  • Providing a Greenwood School laptop if the student doesn’t have computer access in the home. ï‚·


  • Those who don’t have consistent reliable internet access can request an internet dongle in order for students to access the remote education. ï‚·


  • The school, if directed to by a parent/carer will apply for extra mobile data so that students can access their learning via a mobile device if this is required. ï‚·


  • If a student’s preferred way of working is through printed materials then the school will act swiftly to deliver these.


Additional support for students with specific needs


As Greenwood is a Pupil Referral Unit, a significant majority of our students have additional needs, therefore the curriculum detailed above is adjusted accordingly. Students with additional needs are currently entitled and encouraged to attend school during the current lockdown. Any students with additional needs struggling with remote education will be offered additional support.


Student wellbeing


Each student is assigned a key worker who will be in daily contact with parents and carers to check on the student’s well-being. If you or your child have any concerns about their safety or well-being then please email your child’s keyworker or

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