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Young people today are living in a rapidly changing world and so preparing our students for the challenges and opportunities out there is a vital aspect of their education. Greenwood School is committed to developing and arming each individual student with the most up to date knowledge during their time at Greenwood School.


For support with helping your Child make the right decision please see our Resources page and make the future yours support magazines for post 16.


How can you help?


  • Talk about careers regularly at home – the different jobs you may have had, how you decided on your current career path and what you have learned from all of your combined experiences.

  • Encourage your child to engage with work experience opportunities provided by Greenwood School.

  • Share your CV and help them in producing their own. Going through the motions of detailing their skills, experiences and qualifications on paper can really help students to see their current development clearly.

  • Run through typical interview questions and talk about your own encounters – both good and bad! All of our students take part in a practise interview with a real local employer when they reach Year 11 – a vital but sometimes daunting experience. Learning how to present themselves professionally and keeping a cool head in an interview situation is a valuable skill which will benefit them for the rest of their lives.

  • Check out the links provided on the Resources page. There is a wealth of information and guidance available out there, tailored for both students and to yourself as a parent to help walk you through the variety of routes and opportunities possible.

  • Attend College Open Days to explore what different establishments have to offer. Prospectuses are always available but there’s nothing quite like walking around a campus to really get the feel of a place.

  • Get directly involved yourself! If you work for an employer who would be willing to support our careers education providing, be that through presenting to a group of students, or being a practise interviewer, we would love to hear from you. Please go  to the Employer page to find out more.

For you:


If you are looking into retraining, return to learning or progress onto higher education the Lifepilot can help for free. Lifepilot aims to encourage adults (over 21) to get back into learning and progress to higher education. is a free site that offers training from any starting point.





If you have any feedback with regards to the Careers Provision at Greenwood School then please email:

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